Anxiety: from paralyzing fear to hopeful healing

Have you ever felt your heart pounding in your chest, your palms sweating, and your breath catching in your throat, all while your mind races with anxious thoughts? If so, you’re not alone. Anxiety is a common mental health condition that affects an estimated 40 million adults in the United States alone. It can manifest in various forms, including generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), social anxiety disorder (SAD), and phobias. While anxiety is a normal human emotion, when it becomes excessive and interferes with daily life, it can be debilitating.

Picture this: Sarah, a successful businesswoman, finds herself dreading social situations, her mind filled with negative thoughts about how others might perceive her. She avoids public speaking and networking events, fearing humiliation and rejection. Her anxiety has permeated her personal life as well, making it challenging to enjoy everyday activities.

Sarah’s journey is not uncommon. Anxiety can significantly impact one’s relationships, work, and overall well-being. It’s important to seek professional help if you’re struggling with anxiety. With the right diagnosis and treatment plan, you can find relief and regain control of your life.

Contact us now for a non-binding preliminary consultation

Breaking down the myths of anxiety

Anxiety disorders are often misunderstood, with many people believing they’re merely a sign of weakness or lack of willpower. However, anxiety is a complex condition with biological and psychological underpinnings. It’s important to recognize that anxiety is not your fault, and you deserve treatment and support.

According to statistics of WHO, about 12% of the European Population suffers from anxiety disorders that can be treated. Part of these disorders are: phobias, generalized anxiety disorders and panic disorders.
Phobias are described as the fear of a certain object or situation, which are therefore avoided:

  • claustrophobia (the fear of closed spaces),
  • agoraphobia (fear of open spaces),
  • acrophobia (fear of heights),
  • animal phobias (Spiders or mice phobias),
  • social phobias (fear of humans).

With the general anxiety disorder, the patient always underlies a constant fear readiness, often linked with physiological symptoms. Patients often seem to have fear for no distinctive reason.

Many fears are at first not recognized as such, since they only show physiological symptoms such as: nausea, difficulties breathing, feeling of tightness and fastened heart rate. Social phobias are underestimated in occurrence, since people who suffer from them are often not able to leave the house and can therefore not seek for help with a doctor.

Exploring treatment options of anxiety disorder

Anxiety, being a common and debilitating mental health condition, can significantly impact individuals’ lives, affecting their relationships, work, and overall well-being. While traditional treatments, such as psychotherapy and anti-anxiety medications, can help manage symptoms, the benefits can take weeks or months to materialize. This delayed response can be frustrating for those seeking immediate relief.

Traditionally, anxiety disorders have been treated with psychotherapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT helps individuals identify and challenge their negative thoughts and behaviors that contribute to anxiety. While CBT is an effective treatment modality, it can take weeks or months to see significant improvement. This can be frustrating for those seeking immediate relief. 

Benzodiazepines are often used as emergency medication. They usually work immediately and well; however, dependence develops very quickly and higher and higher doses are required to produce an anxiolytic effect. This is why their long-term use for anxiety disorders is a medical malpractice. A treatment with benzodiazepines (Diazepam or Lorazepam) often reduced the fear immediately, but is also the first step towards addiction. The medication does not treat the source of the fear. To relive the fear the dose will be increased which after weeks causes an addiction towards the medication that would have to be treated separately. Benzodiazepines should only be used for acute situations. 

Antidepressants can also reduce anxiety, but often have considerable side effects. When they are discontinued after weeks or months, the anxiety is usually just as bad as before.

Most anxiety disorders can be successfully treated with behavioral therapy. Behavioural therapy, both cognitive and exposure training, are highly effective, but must be carried out intensively, especially at the beginning. Particularly in the case of phobias, massive improvements can often be achieved after a short time. In recent years, exposure in virtual reality has also proved effective for this purpose.

Confrontation techniques play an important role in psychotherapeutic treatment of anxiety disorders. Patients learn techniques for reducing anxiety to understand their disorder. The therapist confronts the patient with anxiety-provoking situations (eg. enclosed spaces, availability, objects, people, animals). Therefore, many phobias, often with just a few sessions, significantly improve or disappear completely. The advantage of our treatment program in Mallorca is the intensive confrontation with the anxiety with the help of virtual reality. With daily psychotherapeutic discussions and exercises stubborn fears, under which the patients often suffered for years, disappear within two or three weeks of intensive psyhcotherapy in combination with other treatments like ketamine infusions and neurostimulation. Certain partly unconscious conflicts can also lead to massive fear, here we find the psychodynamic psychotherapy very useful.

We combine therapeutic methods that complement each other perfectly. For some fears medicinal help is useful. We use a medication from the substance groups of the antidepressants and neuroleptics. These preparations have no dependence potential. Relaxation techniques such as biofeedback, Progressive Relaxation, Autorelaxation and hypnosis complete the therapeutic offer. In particular forms of anxiety, such as PTSD after traumatic events, and EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) is used. The longer an anxiety disorder persists, the more it manifests itself. Is integrated into life, quality of life and freedom are increasingly restricted.
Our goal: restoration of quality of life in the shortest possible time.

Unveiling the mysteries of ketamine: A breakthrough in anxiety treatment

In recent years, ketamine infusions have emerged as an innovative treatment option for anxiety disorders. Ketamine is a remarkable drug initially used as an anesthetic. It has been shown to have rapid and profound effects on mood and anxiety. Studies have shown that ketamine infusions can reduce anxiety symptoms within hours of treatment, with effects lasting for weeks or even months.
Ketamine’s unique mechanism of action and rapid-acting effects have revolutionized the treatment landscape for anxiety, offering hope to those struggling with this pervasive condition.

For anxiety treatment ketamine has to be combined with psychotherapy, specially cognitive behavioral therapy and exposure training. Neurostimulation methods, such as repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and neurofeedback, can provide a comprehensive treatment approach. TMS uses magnetic fields to stimulate specific areas of the brain involved in mood regulation, while neurofeedback teaches individuals to regulate their brain activity and improve emotional regulation.

We now offer our new Neurofeedback app with easy-to-use portable devices so you can take neurofeedback  into the comfort of your own home, keeping up the training even after your intensive therapy with us is over. 

Portable Neurofeedback

Feel free to contact us if you would like to find out more or place an order for your portable neurofeedback device

Ketamine infusions for anxiety treatment

Decoding ketamine’s effervescence: How Ketamine works in the treatment of anxiety disorder

To understand how ketamine works, we must delve into the intricate workings of the brain and its neurotransmitters, the chemical messengers that regulate various functions, including mood and anxiety.

One of the primary neurotransmitters involved in anxiety is glutamate, which plays a crucial role in communication between neurons. Ketamine exerts its effects by binding to glutamate receptors, essentially mimicking glutamate’s action and enhancing neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to change and adapt.

Symphony of Nneurotransmitters: A journey into the brain

Ketamine’s impact extends beyond glutamate, influencing other neurotransmitters involved in mood regulation, such as serotonin, norepinephrine, and GABA. This multifaceted approach likely contributes to ketamine’s effectiveness in treating anxiety.

  • Serotonin, often referred to as the “happy neurotransmitter,” regulates mood and plays a role in stress resilience. Ketamine enhances serotonin signaling, potentially alleviating symptoms of anxiety.
  • Norepinephrine, also known as the “fight-or-flight hormone,” is involved in arousal and anxiety. Ketamine’s effects on norepinephrine may contribute to its ability to reduce excessive anxiety symptoms.
  • GABA, the “calming neurotransmitter,” inhibits neuronal activity and promotes relaxation. Ketamine’s influence on GABA may help alleviate anxiety-related tension and irritability.

By modulating the activity of these key neurotransmitters, ketamine appears to restore balance and harmony in the brain, effectively reducing anxiety symptoms. This rapid and sustained improvement has made ketamine a valuable addition to the treatment arsenal for anxiety disorders.

Since ketamine increases neuroplasticity and new neuroyal networks are formed, psychotherapeutic interventions are more effective and more sustainable.

Instituto Dr. Scheib: at the forefront of ketamine therapy

At Instituto Dr. Scheib, we recognize ketamine’s groundbreaking potential in treating anxiety disorders. Our team of experienced psychiatrists and therapists is dedicated to providing personalized and compassionate ketamine therapy, tailored to each patient’s unique needs and goals.

We offer a comprehensive approach that combines ketamine infusions with psychotherapy, neurostimulation like rTMS and Neurofeedback and Virtual Reality, providing a holistic and effective treatment plan, always tailored to the individual patient`s need. Our therapists guide patients through Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), helping them identify and challenge negative thought patterns that contribute to anxiety.

A glimpse into the future: Ketamine therapy’s expanding horizons

With its remarkable efficacy and rapid-acting effects, ketamine therapy has opened up new possibilities in the treatment of anxiety disorders. As research continues to unveil the intricacies of ketamine’s mechanism of action, we can expect further advancements in dosage regimens, treatment protocols, and combination therapies.

Ketamine therapy is revolutionizing the landscape of anxiety treatment, offering hope and relief to those struggling with this debilitating condition. As we delve deeper into the mysteries of ketamine, we can envision a future where this remarkable drug plays an even more prominent role in alleviating anxiety and restoring balance to the lives of those affected.

Ketamine infusions: a beacon of hope for anxious minds

Anxiety, once a source of stigma and isolation, is now facing a formidable opponent in the form of ketamine therapy. This groundbreaking treatment offers rapid and sustained relief, empowering individuals to reclaim their lives and pursue their passions without the shackles of anxiety.

As we continue to explore the frontiers of ketamine therapy, we approach a future where anxiety disorders no longer hold sway over our lives. With this newfound hope, we can envision a world where individuals can thrive, free from the grip of anxiety and embracing the fullness of life.

ketamin therapie, Ketamine treatment centers Mallorca, NYC, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Ketamine for anxiety

Virtual Reality: Stepping into a new era of anxiety treatment

The world of virtual reality (VR) is rapidly expanding beyond gaming and entertainment, with its potential to revolutionize various industries, including healthcare. In the context of mental health, VR has emerged as a promising tool for treating anxiety disorders.

How VR works for anxiety

VR exposure therapy (VRET) is a highly effective approach that utilizes virtual environments to simulate anxiety-provoking situations. By immersing individuals in carefully crafted VR scenarios, therapists can guide them through gradual exposure to their fears, while providing support and coping strategies.

Benefits of VR exposure therapy

Several advantages of VRET make it a compelling treatment option for anxiety disorders:

  • Controlled and Immersive Environment: VR offers a controlled environment where individuals can confront their fears in a safe and gradual manner. This allows them to practice coping mechanisms without the risk of triggering a panic attack or exacerbating their anxiety in real-world situations.
  • Personalized Treatment: VR can be tailored to each individual’s specific fears and phobias, creating customized treatment scenarios that address their unique triggers. This personalized approach ensures that the treatment is effective and engaging for the patient.
  • Reduced Stigma: VR provides a less intimidating and more comfortable environment for individuals to address their anxiety. The anonymity of the virtual world can help reduce anxiety and encourage participation, especially for those who may feel self-conscious or embarrassed by their fears.

Studies Supporting VR Therapy

Numerous studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of VR exposure therapy for treating anxiety disorders. A meta-analysis published in the journal “Frontiers in Psychiatry” found that VRET was significantly more effective than traditional exposure therapy for treating phobias, with a large effect size.

Another study, published in the journal “Depression and Anxiety,” evaluated the efficacy of VR exposure therapy for social anxiety disorder. The results showed that VRET was as effective as traditional exposure therapy in reducing social anxiety symptoms.

Instituto Dr. Scheib: embracing VR for anxiety treatment

At Instituto Dr. Scheib, we recognize the potential of VR technology to revolutionize anxiety treatment. We have integrated VR exposure therapy into our comprehensive treatment plan, offering our patients a more immersive and personalized approach to addressing their anxiety.

Our experienced therapists work closely with each patient to create customized VR scenarios that align with their specific fears and phobias. We utilize a variety of VR environments, from social interactions to public speaking scenarios, to help patients gradually confront their fears and develop effective coping mechanisms.

VR is just one example of how technology is transforming the landscape of mental health treatment. As VR technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovative and personalized treatment options emerge for anxiety disorders and other mental health conditions.


Patients with severe anxiety can be picked up on request from home and be accompanied to the clinic or to their hotel.

If you are interested in our therapy, please take a few seconds to fill out our contact form. We will then set up a preliminary phone interview at your convenience to determine your individual therapy:


Currently we have no capacities in Sotogrande/Andalucia. Home visits can be arranged in special, urgent cases.
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