Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the most widespread and examined best form of psychotherapy. It combines two therapies: cognitive therapy and behavioral therapy. What treatment method is used, depends on the problem, disease or disorder present. The basic premise of the treatment is always the same: What we think, how we feel and behave, is directly related. These factors have a significant impact on our well-being. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a high-level strategy. The point is to work on current problems and find solutions for them. A cognitive-behavioral therapy is among others used to treat depression, anxiety – used / compulsive disorders and addictions. It is also used in physical conditions such as chronic pain, tinnitus and rheumatism. It helps to cope better with the symptoms.

Classical Behavior Therapy – The term behavioral therapy does not stand for a single therapeutic approach, but for a group of different psychotherapeutic approaches. The underlying theory is that mental disorders are based on a learned behavior and thus can be unlearned. Behavioral treatments affect the conditions that are related to the mental disorder. These include environmental conditions, the behavior of other people, such as the condition in man himself, as his thoughts. For a man with an exaggerated fear of dogs, this means that the client, with an exact guidance / support through his therapist, has to contact with dogs, so his learning experience “dogs are dangerous and must be avoided at all costs” is corrected through new experiences with dogs. Step by step the person thereby learns to move again without fear.

VR-glass – We partly work with virtual reality for the treatment of phobia. With the VR-glass, situations that cause anxiety, will be simulated and patients learn to regulate their anxiety over a biofeedback system. Treatment in virtual reality can be as efficient as confrontation training in vivo but is implemented more rapidly.  Verhaltenstherap_VR-Brille

Motivational interviewing – Miller and Rollnick defined motivational interviewing as “a client-centered directive method for improving the intrinsic motivation for change by exploring and resolving ambivalence” (2009, p.47). It has strong roots in the client-centered therapy of Carl Rogers (1951, 1959).

This therapeutic approach underlines that one must understand the inner frame of reference and the current concerns of the client. The discrepancy between practice and value proposition is pointed out. Both in motivational interviewing as well as in client-centered therapy, the therapist creates conditions for growth and change. It provides the basic attitude of a reasonable empathetic understanding (empathy) and a non-bonded positive appreciation in conversation.

Motivational interviewing is recommended to advise on alcohol, nicotine, medication and drug problems, in aggressive behavior in adolescents and difficult decisions.


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