Gestalt Therapy by Fritz Perls is divided into the group of the Humanist therapies. Gestalt Therapy is one of the most effective current approaches of modern psychology. If you want to give your life a new impetus or an efficient solution for failures of clinical psychology, Gestalt therapy is effective. The approach is always present based and centered in the here and now. When we are in the present, forward-fears and feelings of guilt about the past disappear.
The therapeutic process is looking for a change. For this purpose, each person has his very own ways and solutions. The Gestalt therapist encourages and directs the individual process, so that solutions emerge.
Gestalt therapy is to take responsibility and not blame others for what happened to us. If we change, our environment will change as it were with us. Rather than manipulate us, we are focused on our own progress.
In Gestalt, we know that an issue arises until we finally bring it to a conclusion, to break the vicious circle. If we recognize the pattern, specific situations are finished and no longer return.
Gestalt Therapy is an integrative therapy, the learning process is directly implicated by the experience. Gestalt differs from the meaning of conventional talk therapy, body language and other forms of expression are included.
Gestalt aims to make us aware of how we act and react in certain situations. Only with the awareness changes are possible. Gestalt is the way to ourselves.
If you are interested in our therapy, please take a few seconds to fill out our contact form. We will set up a preliminary phone interview at your convenience to determine your individual therapy: