„A useful therapy has to be adapted to the needs of the patients, but not the other way round.“
Our concept of a short and intense psychotherapy, inpatient, day hospital or outpatient, shows clear and stable success in many diseases. It has proven to be a particularly useful model for the treatment of following diseases:
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) | Alcohol Problems | Anxiety Disorders | Burnout Syndrome | Cancer | Cardio-vascular Diseases | Depression | Long Covid | Obsessive-compulsive Disorder | Post Traumatic Disorder | Sleep Disorders
Treatments and psychosomatic therapies in our private clinic on Mallorca and our cooperation partner and specialist for the treatment of chronic pain in Linz near Cologne:
- No long waiting times
- individualized one-to-one therapy
- intensive short therapy
- Lasting success after just two to three weeks.
Benefit from the advantages of psychosomatic treatment in Mallorca. At our private clinic in Palma de Mallorca, we offer psychosomatic treatment using state-of-the-art methods. Our concept of short and intensive therapy shows clear and stable success in many clinical pictures.
In Mallorca, we offer inpatient stays in combination with exclusive therapeutic treatment in the hotel, completely anonymously and discreetly. The relaxed, Mediterranean atmosphere becomes part of your personal therapy concept. The additional use of sports therapy, relaxation techniques and adventure programs round off the therapy. We also offer to organize follow-up treatment through your family doctor.
Treatment at our clinic is very versatile and involves many different therapies. Individual treatments are elaborated for each patient, depending on the diagnosis we elaborate here at he clinic.
In our practice in Germany, we offer our therapy as outpatient treatment.
All treatments that can be carried out at our practice: :
Depending on the individual diagnosis of each patient, treatment methods at the clinic Dr. Scheib most commonly are a combination of the following therapies: