Using different modern diagnostic methods, a comprehensive diagnostic investigation is carried out at the start of every course of treatment. Only when it is known precisely why certain symptoms present and what their cause is, how they are sustained, and what weak areas and resources the patient has, can a tailored therapy plan be created. In order to avoid unnecessary duplication of examinations during diagnostics, we ask our patients to bring preliminary findings from other doctors or clinics with them, or to send these to us in advance.
Diagnostic consultation and biographical anamnesis (medical history)
The development and course of symptoms to date, previous treatments and any prior illnesses are examined in a detailed conversation. Risk factors are reviewed, and any secondary physical disorders or disabilites that may have an effect on the therapeutic process are clarified, along with possible intolerances or allergies to drugs. During the biographic part, we attempt to create an overall picture of the patient’s personality. It is equally important to understand notable formative life events and any possible traumatisation, in addition to existing resources and stabilising factors.
Psychological test diagnosis
Psychological tests provide information about disorders as well as about the patient’s capabilities. Depending on the problem, the tests can be used to measure the severity of a depression or burnout, as well as the patient’s ability to concentrate and cope with stress, and the capacity for self-perception. The appropriate tests will be selected individually for the specific patient according to the symptoms, and the results will be discussed with the patient. Some tests may be repeated during the course of therapy in order to check the success of the particular therapy modules.
Quantitative EEG (brain mapping)
Measuring brainwaves provides information on which parts of the brain are active in what way. These signals are transcribed by a computer to create a sort of map of the brain function, which can provide information about certain illnesses. These diagnoses are of particular importance if brain stimulation or training methods such as neurofeedback are later used. But qEEG can also be used to monitor the progress of other forms of therapy; it is possible to see how pathological activity can gradually return to normal.
HRV measurement
Heart rate variablility shows how the vegetative nervous system controls heart function. Chronic stress can affect and reduce the HRV, just as depression or severe coronary heart disease can. HRV measurement helps us to plan relaxation techniques and sporting activities better, and later to monitor their effectiveness.
Sleep laboratory
Many disorders go hand in hand with sleep disturbance. And then again, sleep disturbance can have a significant effect on the development of an illness. An analysis of the depth of sleep, and movements, breathing and heart rate during sleep can give vital indicators on disorders and help in the planning of further treatment. Measurement is carried out in the patient’s own bed using sensors attached the previous evening, and a small recorder that records the measurements. The detailed analysis then takes place in consultation with an experienced sleep doctor.
EKG, blood analysis, x-ray, songraphy, CCT and MRI
If required, we are able to carry out all necessary and meaningful investigations, as well as specialist examinations by other medical disciplines, in our clinic.
We are happy to work out a personalised offer for your therapy with us.