Silvana de Lorenzo
Doctor of Medicine. Neuroscience / Neuropsychiatry focus.
Languages: Spanish | English | Catalan
- 2012-2014 MBA. San Andrés University. Buenos Aires. Argentine.
- 2009 VI Mesotherapy Course. Directors: Dr. Hector Gancedo, Dra. Graciela Parma. Buenos Aires. Argentine. Biological Therapy Course. Hydrolyzed & Organospecificity. Director: Dra Graciela Parma. Buenos Aires. Argentine.
- 2006-1999 Medical Research Institute “Alfredo Lanari” – (I.D.I.M. – U.B.A). Neurophysiology Department. Director: Prof. Dr. S. Muchnik. Doctorate Training.
- 2006 Master en Neurociênces (UB, UPF, URV, UdL) – Higher Council for Scientific Research – Institute of Biomedical Research of Barcelona. Course.
- 2005 Neurophysiology I. Laboratory of Cell Biology and Pathological Anatomy. Bellvitge Campus. University of Barcelona. Internship.
- 2002 Psychosomatic Medicine. Acute General Hospital Dr. J Fernández / Teaching and esearch Committee. Chiozza Foundation.
- 2001 Psychiatry for the internist. Roux-Ocefa Foundation. Course. Molecular Biology of cancer. Roux-Ocefa Foundation. Course. Daily practice in geriatrics. Roux-Ocefa Foundation. Course.
- 1998 Arrhythmias for the clinical doctor. Roux-Ocefa Foundation. Course. Vaccination training course. Ministry of Health. Buenos Aires. Neurology Department. Director: Dr. J. Ure. Internship. Hospital Dr. J. T. Borda. Buenos Aires University. Psychiatry Department. (training with psychotic patients) . Internship. Hospital Dr. J. T. Borda. Buenos Aires University. Promotion and Prevention Hospital Service. Director: Dr. S. Barrios. Internship. Acute General Hospital Dr. E. Tornú. Buenos Aires University
- 1997 Preventive agents training program in Mental Health. Director. Prof. Dr. Materazzi. Medicine School. Buenos Aires University.